I will NEVER cheer for the Boston Red Sox as long as I live. EVER.
One thing my family is serious about... That's sports. The Bucs are in our blood. And my family have been yankees fans for as long as I can remember. So, this obsession was really passed down to me from my great, great, great... you get the idea.
And this is what it's going to be like this season:
And THIS is what our baby boy is going to be wearing...
I told him they could wear patriots/red sox garb when he dresses them, which, if that's how he's going to dress them, will be never! (oh, and that's my nephew Benjamin when he was like a month old. :)
Oh this is gonna be GREAT! Just FANTASTIC!
Oh Hahahahahaha!
See, MY hubby is from New Joy-zee.
Which, of course means, Yankees and Giants.
And me and Dave only wear Red Sox!
Ha! Let the games begin!
Did my Mom tell you what they got Caleb for his birthday this year?
A Red Sox b-ball jersey! HA! You should've seen Chris' face!
(....you know something? I haven't seen that shirt for a while now....
The way the Sox have been going (downhill) so far this year, I considered changing my allegiance. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!. Anyway, we're all entitled to a bad year once in a while. Or was it 80 bads years. I lost track. Anyway, This is for Kelly - Kel, best find that shirt and quick. Check under the seats of Chris' car.
Oh yea, You go girl! Bring it on! Our future little "buc baby" Ben looks
g o o d and I am sure Kevin and Renee will be glad to pass on the ten or so Buc outfits they have when you and Dave are ready! hehe Remember it's in our family and we bleed red and pewter! GO BUCS! :)
Well, I just asked Chris if he hid that jersey, and of course he pled "innocent".
Fortunately for him, it WAS in Caleb's drawer---just buried.
You just never can tell with Yankee fans. They can be pretty ridiculous!
Now now, just because you red sox fans have all this pent up frustration over all your years from the Bambino curse, don't take it out on the next generation. Chris is better than me. If our children so much as get a shoe that has Red sox/patriots on it, i will toss it immediately! AND BY THE WAY. Can anyone tell me who's leading the current series???? :)
Bucs??? Screw them...the Packers won tonight!!! And the Milwaukee Brewers are the best baseball team...EVER!!
-Sarah Floyd
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