Friday, October 27, 2006

Working out works

Benefits of working out and eating healthy:

Complexion - in the one week that I have been eating differently, more than one person has commented that my skin looks healthier and I have sort of a "glow" to me...I think it's cause David left and then came back, and now I'm much happier. :) .....Then again, it could be because of my diet.

Circadian Rythme- ok, so I read about this one, but it's true! Once you start working out a certain time of the day, your body begins to crave it. I know it sounds crazy, but when I first started working out, I dreaded going out and have to exert more energy that I wanted to save up for work. But after working out for so many days, I actually wake up and my body is begging me to go work out! Kinda funny huh?

It's quality time with the Lord - Sometimes I take my worship music with me and sing to myself, other times I go without it and just pray and thank God for the many blessings David and I have. I get to look around at the beauty of His creation and be reminded of His love.

Sleep - In the time that I have been working out, my sleep has been so peaceful and restful. I have no problem going to bed, I sleep through the night (except for when David kicks me) and I wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day.

So what's the verdict after week one?

Drumroll please! So far, 8 pounds lost!! Now remember, I've been working out twice a day and I drastically cut my diet to 1200-1400 calories a day...mostly just been following the diet and exercise program on :) One week down, 11 weeks to go!


Pamela said...

*8*********G O O D J O B**********8*
Way to go girl! That is so fantastic!
Now does everyone weigh in once a week or do you just wait til January? :)

Anonymous said...

8 pounds?! I had no idea you had made so much progress already! Great job Crystal :) I'm proud of my super amazing manager!! ~Liz

Pamela said...

Trick or Treat come see me!