Thursday, October 26, 2006

Rainy days

Today was such a gloomy day.

I woke up, and unlike the other day, there were no birds chirping or no sun shining.

It was raining.

Not a heavy rain, but just enough of a pitter patter/drizzle to make you not want to go outside.

So I stayed inside, made some healthy food for lunch which I had fun doing, and watched Top chef for three hours. I LOVE that show. I never would have watched it if David had not showed it to me or showed any interest in it. He loves cooking, and I always learn something from him when he cooks.

Speaking of David....

He comes home tomorrow!!! (Thurs)

Thanks for everyones encouragement...sure helps :)

I've felt kind of lost without him. When I was cooking today, I guess I just thought he was at work, cause I looked at the time and thought, oh, he'll be home soon, I wonder what he wants to eat for lunch.

then I realized he wasn't coming home.


And David always does dishes for me. I can't stand doing dishes. My hands get all wet and pruny and I just can't do it. It's the one thing I just won't do.

So the dishes are piling up.

I actually thought about doing them tomorrow so he wouldn't have to do them when he got home.

I'm still thinking.


Pamela said...

Chrystal, my word girl! Do those dishes! I am sure Dave will feel much better if he can come home to a clean house. :) I love doing dishes and cleaning house so we can feel comfortable and happy in a pleasant environment. A man's home should be his castle and I am all for working together, but if you dirty it, and your guy is out of town, well...that's just wrong! lol

Chrystal said...

JEEZ....Lucky you called me this morning to tell me you loved me! And by the way... I just did the dishes to. :)

Pamela said...

Awww, now that's our Chrystal we know and love!

Anonymous said...

your uncle said : "it's ok, he does the dishes all the time anyway !"
ha ha ......