Monday, October 16, 2006

A quick little review...

Ok, I have just been dying to get on here and blog, and I don't want to say to much because I want to be able to post my pics with my stories, so I'll try to just give a quick rundown of the events.
It is SOOO Beautiful here! I can't believe how many different colors are on the trees. I have never seen such a spectacular display of oranges, reds, greens, and yellows in all my life!
Breathtaking... I have only seen one mountain before, and it was a baby mountain compared to these mountains. We went all the way to the top and I got to see snow!! In october!! You could see for 90 miles, literally. Mountains in Vermont, maine, everywhere. The Bible gives references to the mountains rejoicing and praising God. I always just bypassed that cause I never understood it. Now I know. WOW.
Big city, not something this semi country girl is used to, but intriguing all the same. Lots of historical sites, which I LOVED. I could have spent another day there with everything there was to see. Down side... Yankee Haters.
Living on the gulf side of the ocean, I rarely get to see the big waves of the atlantic. The crashing sound is music to my soul, and probably the place I am most at peace. The coastline was very different from Florida's coastline. It was very cute and had quaint little beach houses lined up all down the road.
Lake Winnipesaukee:
Reminded me of my grandmothers lake in Florida, except ten times bigger. But the trees that lined the coastline were amazing. We stopped at a little shopping area right on the coastline, it was very new englandish.
:) It's been great to see Dave's parents, and they have treated us great. (Plentiful supplies of coffee..) We really missed them. You never realize what you have till you don't have it!
Well, today is our last full day here *tear* so we are going to make the best of it! :) Hope everyone is having a blessed week and I'll see you in Tulsa!!!!

1 comment:

Pamela said...

Chrystal! So exciting, reading all about your trip. Having lived in over 17 states I love the mountains, the ocean, and the gorgeous fall foilage!

So glad you all are having fun! :)