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Family Ties
I LOVE BABIES!!! Particularly one cute one, my little Nephew Benjamin. He was born December 2, 2005 to the best brother and sister in law in the world! I got to see him when I went home for Christmas, but he was only two to three weeks old. So he basically ate food, drank a bottle and slept. But that's babies for you! When Kevin and Renee came up for my wedding, Benjamin was about 6 months old! And boy was he cute. Sure I scared him a time or two with my big pink cowgirl hat, but I managed to get him to wear it!! Doesn't he look cute!!! Kevin and Renee are so proud of him. It's funny to see my brother with a baby. For anybody who doesn't know my brother, he was in the Marine Corps for four years and went and fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. He always seemed so tough and now when I see him with his little boy, he doesn't seem tough at all!
He practically looks like a teddy bear himself!! It is kind of sad that I don't know my nephew. I know more about Nathan (my adopted nephew, one of my friends' babies.) than I know about Benjamin! :( Family is so important. I grew up all my life close to family. Both grandparents lived close, so I got to know them really well, and it just seems to me that is the way children should be raised. (instead of the village raising the child, let the family do it) My grandmother spent countless hours answering all my questions about her way of life in the 40's, and answering all my questions about all of my ancestors and relatives. I can name my grandfathers for four generations and tell you what their proffessions were. Maybe trivial, but it helps me know why I can cut my husbands hair (we had a barber in our family) and why I do a whole lot of other things. It's in my genes! Our grandparents have wisdom and knowledge that we would never attain if it wasn't for them. :) I found a quote, that says exactly what I want to say. "In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future." Hug someone today :) Call your grandma and grandpa, or your parents, and be thankful you're loved. :)
1 comment:
-PS I think you meant "barber" when speaking of cutting your husband's hair...but, maybe having a bartender in your family has an influence on that somehow...I can just imagine what your husband's hair would look like though after having a few :P
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