So my mom tagged me for this, so I'm gonna do it... here goes.
1)Five Minutes to yourself. How would you spend them ideally? I would sit outside with a cup of coffee and read the Word. Even five minutes can sometimes be enough to fill you for the whole day. :)
2)Five Dollars to spend right now. How and where would you spend it?I would probably buy some sappy love card for Dave to read, one that brings him on the verge of tears, and lets me get a big huge hug and kiss after he reads it. that's only like two dollars, so with the rest of it, I would buy him some oreo cookies so he had something to dip in his milk.
3)Five Items in your house you could part with right now.-
The TV's. I do not like tv, I think it's a time stealer and a waste of money. (and yet I absolutely couldn't part with my full house reruns.)
The Futon - it just takes up space in our spare bedroom, and i would MUCH rather get my old bedroom furniture. (*wink, wink* mom)
Dave's old towels... i think he used the same five for all four years of college...yeah....
These magazines that we found while cleaning...I must have got them in the mail, and they don't have the best content in them, and yet, they just sit on the shelf, unread, untouched, if I remembered I would throw them away!
Our dining room table - it suits us, but it's small and I'm bored with it. If we had room, we would get a bigger one.
4)Five Items in your house you positively, absolutely could never part with.- My BIBLE!! I feel lost without it. I got it in 2002, and it has been pretty much the only bible I have ever read. Every fourth book is highlighted a different color. If you tell me a scripture I can find it better by remembering what color it's in and what side of the page it's on rather than the reference. (i'm extremely visual)
My fan- Ever since I was a little girl, I had to have a fan blowing right on my face when I sleep. So without my fan, I would sleep horrible! A
wedding picture of David and I. It's my favorite picture and one of the happiest times in my life. It always makes me smile when I see it.
A quilt that my mom gave us for our wedding. It is beautiful, and has pictures of us and our families all over it. I hope to pass it on to our children one day.
A Gold, one dollar coin....just a silly thing between me and my Dad, but everytime I see it I know he loves me.
5)Five Words you love.-
Jesus(no word is more beautiful in the entire worldwide language) (ditto mom) -
Dave(or baby, or honey, or sweety) -it's funny how much a word can mean, my whole life is wrapped up in this one.
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (sp) Enough said! Mary Poppins goes down as the greatest movie EVER!!! I watched it over and over as a kid.
Chaparita - ok, this is kind of mean. The cooks, bussers and dishwashers all call me this at work in spanish. I never knew what it meant, and never bothered to ask, I just knew that when they said it, they were talking to me. One day, I was on my tippy toes reaching for something, and I asked Ramon for help, and he said "ah chaparita" I then realized, it means short one!!! I went to a cook who could speak good english and asked him, and he just laughed and laughed. But it's a term of endearment for them, and I love em.
Caden - this is the name I want to name our baby boy (not that we have one, or have planned one ,just whenever we have one :)
Thanks mom! That was a lot of fun!