Friday, September 01, 2006

Country Lovin'

I love music. :) It's kind of embarrassing, cause I don't have that great of a voice. But anyone who knows me finds me lost in song, whether it's in the shower, the car, while I'm on a run, or doing anything at all, I've usually got a tune in my head. I defend myself by saying "the Bible says Make a JOYFUL noise to the Lord, he didn't say it had to be good!" No one would contest that it's joyful. :)
My mom and I took piano classes together for a while, and it was a blast. She would practice, then i would practice, and of course her work was a lot harder than mine. But we always had fun doing it together. Eventually my love for sports overshadowed my love for the piano, and I put that on the back burner. I can still play some songs by memory, although they are getting to be a fewer number of them as the years go by.

I didn't think that this day would come, but I have a confession to make.

I listen to country music.

There, I said it.

To some of you, no big deal, especially those from the midwest. But being from Florida, country wasn't exactly the hippest thing around. If anyone knew you listened to country, you were basically blacklisted.
However, from a very young age, my Dad would play country music wherever we would go. He would always sing to me to. He always would sing a verse from a song that would just crack me up. "Old mr. Webster could never define, what's being said between your heart and mine." He would put his glasses on the tip of his noise and put his head down and look up at me, open his hands like a book, and I would just crack up!!!
Over the years my styles of music have changed, from classical to rap, to jazz, and now mostly christian. But I still have a special place in my heart for country music, and I frequently listen to it when I'm alone. (The hubby's not to fond of it). Although I bet he could even sing a verse or two from some of my songs. And the song we danced to at our wedding was a country song. Who would of thought? In this ever changing world of music, country music, i've found for the most part has remained true to it's values. I'm hard pressed to find a country song that is bombarded with sex, drugs, or violence. Kind of nice nowadays. :)
Here's a link to the song that is the reason I chose the name for this blog, Life's a Dance. Enjoy! :)


Kelly said...

I've just got three words:

Rascal Flatts


Pamela said...

Chrystal, You have a lovely angelic sing and make your joyful noise. :)

Anonymous said...

It's funny how old Mr. Webster
always cracked you up. Although, I must admit the one time I hur your feelings was when I was reading the newspaper and you came home and told Mom and I that you were joining the choir and I looked up and said, Oh, do they have a lip syncting section in the choir, and you looked so wounded. Years down the road it's always been a funny memory...but I always felt bad about it. Love you, Daddy