Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Apple makes me happy

One word:


Or is that two words? :)

One this is for sure, I love it! I didn't get the first generation Iphone because I know, you never buy the first generation product from Apple. You just don't do it. Because within the year, they usually come out with something bigger, better, newer, and then you just wish you had waited and been patient.

Well it was a long year.

But I was so patient, saved up the money for it, and my hubby graciously waited in line for me when it came out.

It has changed my life! It is so easy to use, so intelligent, adn literally takes all the thinking out of a phone. My husband has a blackberry. I can't for the life of me figure out how to use it. And I consider myself pretty technologically advanced. So if I can't figure it out, it's not worth figuring out.

Just reminds me that some things in life are worth waiting for. :)

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