Sunday, March 26, 2006

Why is life a dance?

Wake up at 5am, be at work by 6am, work all day until 5pm, then go home to cook and clean and make time for loved ones. Lately it's been running around trying to plan a wedding that I've been doing in my off time. I'm constantly tired, constantly feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. I don't get finished with my day until 11pm, sometimes later, only to start it all over again the very next day.
Running a restaurant is hard work. I get in at six and the truck needs to be checked in. Then at six thirty the produce order is checked in, then the milk man comes and he is checked in. Then there are calls to be made to the bread man, the wine and alcohol order needs to be placed, as well as the fresh fish. Then i have to do the Prep list. For those of you who don't know, at my restaurant we prep everything fresh in the morning by ourselves. No prepackaged foods here. EVERYTHING is fresh! The managers have to go through what we need and make a list of things that the prep cooks have to do. This generally takes an hour or so. Then the front of the house check is completed. Sidework is checked, and the restaurant is prepared for the guests. I then make myself a cup of coffee and get to sit down and eat. After that the day gets even more hectic and i won't even get into the rest!
With all this stress, the reason I say that life is a dance is because, well, not everybody knows how to dance. It's complicated sometimes, and sometimes you mess up, but it takes practice. And once you do the moves a couple million times, you get used to it. Just like in life. And sometimes in dancing, you lead, and sometimes you follow, just like in life.
Life is a Dance because we were called to get up and live life. Truly live it to it's fullness. "I have come that you may have life, and have it to the fullest." My life is not that busy, and not that hectic, it's just FULL. The Lord will sustain me through whatever it is that I go through. Of that I'm sure. And when i start to get overwhelmed, I know that it's time to reexamine myself, cast my cares on him, and continue on my way, dancing through life.

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