Thursday, June 29, 2006

Our Wedding Day!

The wedding went off without a hitch! Sure there were a few minor things, like forgetting my veil (which my uncle and aunt rushed off to get) And I forgot to eat lunch (which another one of my uncles rushed off to get). No fainting on the day of the wedding! And I broke a nail as soon as I woke up that morning. I was, for the most part, pretty calm about everything. Here I am about to marry the most amazing man in the whole world, so why cry or be anxious. I don't think I ever did anything easier in my whole life.
David looked amazing when I was walking down the aisle. He was so cute! He took out a little hanky and was da
bbing his eyes with it. I don't think I cried at all until we did the unity candle and David started praying. It really got me!
It was so great to have our family there with us for the big day. Six out of 10 of the families on my side showed up, and David had a good showing to. His Dad officiated the ceremony. My uncle played the piano in our ceremony, and we tried to involve as much family as possible. He had met a lot of my family during a trip to Wisconsin, but I had never met anybody in his family besides his immediate family. It was fun to see his cousins and everybody interacting, they reminded me a lot of my family. Kudos to my mom and Dad! They did an amazing job on the whole wedding and the reception as well. It looked amazing! Dave and I could have never imagined it would have been this beautiful! Thank you!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful bride! you look stunning Chrystal!!